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It's All About Communication - Kocaeli, TURKEY

Updated: Jun 13, 2021

35 Young People from 6 Countries Gathered in Kocaeli for the Importance of Healthy Communication with Children

A total of 35 young people from 6 different countries came together in Kocaeli to draw attention to the importance of healthy communication with children. The project named "It's All About Communication" in the type of Erasmus Plus Youth Exchange, which was approved by the European Union Education and Youth Programs Center Presidency, was carried out in Kocaeli between 07-13 November 2020, and the participants drew attention to the importance of communication, which is the building block in establishing strong relations with children.

Sinem Kutlu, the legal representative of the project, expressed the project as follows in the project carried out by the Innovation Center in Communication and supported by the Zift Lifelong Learning and Education Association:

“As it is known, we were locked in our homes for a while due to the pandemic and in this process we moved away from our normal routine habits. During this period, we have become able to spare more time for our family and loved ones. During this process, of course, we had the chance to spend more time with the children. I am sure that every parent has spent this process productively with their children. The importance of communication within the family has increased a little more these days, which have been difficult for children. The development and happiness of children is possible with the correct and healthy communication channels we will establish with them. We wanted to increase the level of knowledge and awareness on this subject with our project. For this purpose, a total of 35 participants from different cultures, including 13 Turkish, 9 Romanian, 6 Portuguese and 7 Bulgarian participants, carried out activities on this issue for seven days and raised awareness of the importance of correct communication with children.”

Project leader Nuri Bilirgen said the following about the project:

“The emotional and mental development of children depends on the healthy and correct communication their parents establish. In this regard, we examined healthy communication ways with our participants and carried out studies to strengthen children's communication skills and give them self-confidence and expression skills. At the same time, we have contributed to the development of individual skills of young people from different countries, to gain knowledge about different cultures, to work in cooperation with people from different social environments and cultures, and to reduce prejudiced attitudes.”

Young people from foreign countries stated that they learned the correct ways of communication with children with this organization and that they will apply the achievements they have gained with the project in their daily lives.

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