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Be in the Moment - Zonguldak, TURKEY

European Youth Fights Anxiety Disorders in Zonguldak

40 young people from 5 countries are coming together in Zonguldak to discuss anxiety disorders and inform Zonguldak youth about Erasmus Plus Youth Projects.

40 young people from Turkey, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria and Portugal are coming together in Zonguldak todiscuss anxiety disorders within the scope of the “Be in theMoment” project. The “Be in the Moment” Youth Exchange Project, which is supported by the Turkish National Agencythat is affiliated with European Union Education and YouthProgrammes Centre brings the reasons and alternativesolutions for anxiety disorders to the table.

The Youth Exchange Project which is carried out byKaygısızlar Psychology Centre and supported by Zift LifelongLearning and Education Association is set to begin on 22nd November 2020 in Zonguldak. In this project which is carriedout and supported by the legal representative Aylin ÇELİK, project leader Nuri Bilirgen and Portuguese team leaderAndreia TEIXEIRA is set to end on 29th November 2020 andaims to spread on a societal level the fact that anxiety disorderis a psychological disorder.

By carrying out this project, young people attempt both todraw attention to anxiety disorders and promote Erasmus Plus Youth projects, and thus spread awareness among the peopleof Zonguldak. The project explains in detail the causes of anxiety disorders, alternative treatment methods and how society views this disorder. Young people who came togetherfor the cause of this project also will have the chance tointroduce their cultures and learn other languages. The groupworks, researches, presentations and cultural activities carriedout within the scope of the project assist this culturalintegration.

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