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Kalabalık tezahürat

Readiness Evaluation

This informations will be used for your hotel and your Youthpass Certificates. For this reason, please make sure that you have entered your informations correctly.
5. Gender
9. Level of Education
11. Are you familiar with what Erasmus+ is?
13. Are you familiar with what Youthpass certificate is?
15. How familiar are you with the meaning of volunteering activities? (1-Not familiar at all / 10-Very familiar)
17. Have you ever been involved in any Erasmus+ project previously?
19. Are you familiar with what the mobility of youth workers is?
21. Could you please indicate whether you are a youth worker or not?
23. Are you familiar with what youth exchange is?
27. Could you please specify what kind of Erasmus+ Project this project is?
30. Have you previously participated in any local, national, or international study related to the subject of this project?
32. Are you aware of which countries will be involved in this project?
34. Will you actively be involved in the preparation phase of the project?
35. Will you actively participate in the implementation of the project activities?
36. Will you actively take part in the dissemination of the project?
37. Will you actively contribute to the finalization of the project?
38. Would you be interested in participating in another project after this project is completed?
39. Would you like to maintain the new friendships you established in this project?
40. Would you like to continue with volunteer work after the project?
41. Do you plan to continue being a part of the Erasmus+ program after this project?

We got your informations. Thank you.

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