Animal Rights Advocates meet in Bartın
48 young people from 5 different countries came togetherin Bartın to advocate for the protection of animal rights andinform young people about the Erasmus Plus Programme.
The “Fashion or Homicide?” project is carried out in Bartın with 48 young participants from Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Portugal and Czechia. The project which is supported by the Turkish National Agency that is affiliatedwith European Union Education and Youth ProgrammesCentre aims at raising awareness towards the protection of animal rights.
“Fashion or Homicide?” project which is carried out byBartın Hayvan Hakları Topluluğu and supported by Zift Lifelong Learning and Education Organization has started offon 15.11.2020 and will end on 21.11.2020. In this projectwhich is carried out and supported by the legal representativeMeliha Sinem SAYMAZ and project leaders Nuri BİLİRGEN and Andreia Teixeira, young people aim to both raiseawareness on a societal level about the protection of animalrights and promote Erasmus Plus Youth projects. With thesupport of the Erasmus Plus programme and Turkish NationalAgency, project participants also get the chance to know eachothers’ cultures and learn new languages. Young people whogathered with the purpose of defending animal rights thusmove away from their prejudices and adverse behaviours andattitudes towards other cultures. By coming together withinthe framework of the project, they get to know other culturesand languages closely, better their viewpoints towards themand take one step away from their negative prejudices.
With this project carried out by 48 young people from Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Portugal and Czechia, participantsshare the animal rights works and policies of their owncountries and get a chance to compare these with others. Theyalso produce new ideas and solutions on this issue bybrainstorming and working in teams.
Within the scope of the project, they are discussing whatcan be done to protect animal rights and they share thegathered data with the people of Bartın. By drawing attentionto the issue of using animals as test subjects and sacrificingthem for their skin and fur, the youth aim to inform the publicon this vital issue. In addition to that, they ensure that thepeople of Bartın hear about and learn more about ErasmusPlus Youth projects.
Aiming to raise awareness in Bartın about the protectionof animal rights; young people carry out various group works, researches, presentations, debates, posters and cultural workson the issues of using animals as test subjects, killing them fortheir skin and fur, and protection of their rights. They areleading the cultural change by getting to know each other'scultures closely with the cultural activities they carry out. Also, with the posters and leaflets they distribute, they providethe people of Bartın with information about the protection of animal rights and Erasmus Plus Youth Projects. Last but not least, they get the opportunity to improve their individualknowledge and skills.
